Saturday, August 22, 2009

Autism experiment

Being a new bachelor and living alone there is almost enough time to think about insignificant ideas as well as important ones. I drive for over two hours to 5k races in my old stamping grounds, Conn. and back to Brattleboro, VT. What a wonderful two hours they are because I can have a friendly argument with myself about what is important and what's just fun. Here is an important argument. In another Blog I mentioned a theory about the cause of autism in humans. If my theory is correct then every obstetrician should advise his or her pregnant patients to stop eating citric acid between certain months of pregnancy.
With the knowledge of this theory a physician who knows and does not tell the patient will be found to be guilty of mal-practice if one of his patients develops autism out of 150 newborns that is the present figure given. This may sound like trying to con members of the medical profession but please look at it from my personal point of view. If I don't tell members of the profession then I feel I am personally guilty and that I am not ready to be. On the other hand what a chance for recognition and everything that goes with it if our local hospital adopts a plan to so advise patients and after a thousand babies are born without one case of autism they will be in the position of reporting on that fact and so start a movement country-wide to judge the validity of the theory in larger numbers of infant births. Nothing ventured nothing gained. There is a negative side and that is that if such a study were to be widely broadcast it could influence citric acid's use to be unfairly curtailed. This is an industry that produces 175,ooo metric tons or more of citric acid yearly. About half the food on grocers' shelves contain citric acid. Discount the fresh fruit and vegetables and the percent rises remarkably. When I was a kid the main cause of our daily bread's growing old was the presence of fungus, sometimes the fungus that gave us penicillin among others. Today I can keep a loaf of bread in my fridge for weeks with no sign of fungus growth. If you study ingredient labels you will find citric acid listed as the second item in a few items in produce and ingredients are listed in order of the most to the least of the ingredients listed. More over if an ingredient is listed that comes with multiple ingredients the trace ones are not mentioned. So as with a food with breadcrums could have no citric acid on the label and be full of it. It is my belief that some food additive was widely added to many foods about 1950 when the large numbers of autism were first reported. That holds for hip dysplasia in dogs. Commercial dog food often lists bread meal as the first ingredient and not a bit of citric acid but the meal is loaded with it. To make a dog food without citric acid would difficult to say the least. For humans we can bake our own bread and eat no commercial jams and jellies all of which are loaded with it during the suspected months of pregnancy. I do not know if those time periods are even known in human physiology as they are known in such as sheep and cows in veterinary physiology. Watch for developments in this area. Incidentally I read that years ago a pamphlet was circulated that was negative about citric acid and that pamphlet was recalled. Being cynical about many things around us I wonder if someone was paid off by an industry that did not appreciate the information in that pamphlet.

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