Saturday, December 18, 2010

Uncontaminated bread

In about 1950 My first wife, Nancy and I were active in The Cooperative Consumers of New Haven. It has been from day one that our country was settled by those who helped one another be it with sickness or barn building or governing. The Coop movement is in keeping with that spirit and is alive and well here in Brattleboro. With the New Haven Coop the board listened to several members expound on a recipe developed by nutritionists at Cornell University for the best bread possible to make and urged us to have it baked locally and sold in our two stores. A local baker did bake it for us and we sold the best store-bought bread Dorothy and I had ever tasted. We soon found there was a problem with it. More than 24 hours on a store shelf fungi growth was obvious. At home at room temperature we had the same problem. A local bakery baked bread that did not show aging on a store shelf in a weeks time. We never did find what the ingredient was that kept the commercial bread from spoiling but if a blogger has an answer to that question I would like to look into it as a possible cause of health problems.

1 comment:

  1. Doc: The ingredient you are looking for is probably Calcium Propionate, used as a mold inhibitor, it is also used as an antibiotic for cows, as an insect poison, and it's been approved as a food additive by all the usual suspects. Good luck with the research!
